Business update
The Company is continuing to work towards carrying out its declared strategy of disposing of noncore assets so as to focus on its consistently profitable core Ukrainian assets. The external environment in which this is done has continued to deteriorate with ever tighter capital controls in Ukraine as it seeks to stabilize its economy which is experiencing an extreme economic and financial crisis, and a worsening economic and financial crisis in Russia affecting the asset values of the Company in hard currency terms. The ever tighter Ukrainian capital controls in particular are impacting the Company’s ability to manage its group wide cash flow needs. In order to secure the survival of the Company through these challenging times the Company needs to secure adequate working capital. Accordingly the Company announced an EGM to be held on March 4 to raise additional capital through the issuance of convertible bonds. As all proceeds from divestments are controlled by the bond holders this was deemed to be a necessary course of action coordinated with the Bondholder’s Committee.
Disposals update
Work continues on the divestments side. The Company is working on completing the Rostov asset divestment ahead of the previously announced completion date. The Company will report on progress as it happens as was recently done on the sale of a stake in the Estonian dairy business.
Financial result of the Group
Total revenue, other income, fair value adjustments and net changes in inventory from continuing operations amounted to EUR 41.8 million (EUR 66.9 million in 2014). Out of that decline, EUR 13.9 million was due to the deconsolidation of the Estonian milk business starting from Q2 2015 and lower milk prices, while EUR 2.1 million was due to lower volumes of third party grains handled by our trading operation in Ukraine.
EBITDA from continuing operations stood at EUR 10.0 million (EUR 16.7 million in 2014). Out of that drop, EUR 3.7 million was related to the de-consolidation of the Estonian milk business and a sharp drop in milk prices.
The Net loss was EUR 53.0 million (loss of EUR 13.3 million in 2014) including EUR 49.2 million loss from discontinued operations that largely consists of revaluation of land and buildings to transaction value in relation to the Rostov framework agreement resulted in a loss of EUR 31.3 million, and currency translation differences were recycled from Other comprehensive income to Income statement in total amount of EUR 13.8 million
Telephone conference details
A telephone conference will be held today, on February 29, 2016 at 10.00 CET.
Joakim Helenius, President and CEO, will present and comment upon the results. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions.
To participate in the telephone conference, please call one of the following numbers:
SE: +46 8 505 564 74
UK: +44 203 364 5374
US: +1 855 753 2230
FI: +358 981710460
NO: +47 235 002 10
DK: +45 354 45 580
CH: +41 225 675 541
The presentation material will be available on before the telephone conference starts. A recording of the telephone conference will be available afterwards on
Investor enquiries:
Mr. Joakim Helenius, CEO of Trigon Agri A/S, Tel: +372 66 79200, E-mail: [email protected]
About Trigon Agri
Trigon Agri is an integrated soft commodities production, storage and trading company with operations in Ukraine, Russia and Estonia. Trigon Agri’s shares are traded on the main market of NASDAQ OMX Stockholm.
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